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Thanksgiving Thoughts

Psalm 118:24 (NKJV): This is the day the Lord has made;

We will rejoice and be glad in it.

In a year’s time period, we all go through a lot of ups and downs. As we start the year, we have no idea what twist and turns the year will hold. As the days pass by however there are good times and bad. Some of these times are short others are extended well beyond what we would desire. All of these events are learning experiences. Sometimes it is only in retrospect that we understand a little more about how God is using this particular event in our life.

What do we do with these moments? Psalm 118:24 gives us help in setting our perspective. God has given us this day. We are not guaranteed the next day or really the next moment. Pause right now and thank God for this movement. You are blessed. Now look around and see all that God has made and provide for you. Beautiful sunrises, the changing of the leaves, the birth of a baby, the smell of fresh cut grass in summer. All of these are a part of God’s wonderful creation. We are blessed.

Truthfully, regardless of what we go through in any given year we have reason to rejoice. First and foremost, we have a savior who walks with us through all of life circumstances. We are never alone. Paul said when all had abandoned him that God stood with him. We are also loved by God. Also, we need to remember this is not home. John 14 teaches us that God is come back for us so that we can spend eternity with us. Please realize that what lies ahead of us is greater than what is behind. We may walk through some dark valleys but when all is said done eternity in the presence of our Savior is what lies ahead. Be thankful for this day and what is to come.

Pastor Scott



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