Wow! What a summer we have had. Pause for a moment and look back over the summer and recognize the hand of God in your life. When I do this for the church, I clearly see God at work in VBS, Music School, Kentucky Mission Trip, Mission Concord, and Church Camp. There has been a multitude of commitments to Christ and many rededications that have taken place this summer. New families have joined us during the summer as well. All of this points to the work of God in our lives.
Now as school begins, I would encourage you to stop and see God at work before you. God has already been where you are going. He has prepared your way. Students, teachers, friends, and coworkers have been placed in your path for a reason. I want to encourage you to allow the light of Christ to shine in your life, everywhere you go. Be prepared to share the hope of Jesus that is in you. Listen more intently. Speak more thoughtfully. Be open to being used by God each and every day. Look to see God’s hand in every situation. God is always at work in our lives and the world we live in.