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Our Connection to God : Prayer

In Matthew 27:52 we read that the veil that separated the Holy of Holies was torn in two as Jesus died on the cross. This event signified that you and I have access to God. Prior to this event the people were separated from God by the veil. Behind the veil was the Ark of the Covenant where the Mercy Seat was located. God’s presence was above the Mercy Seat. Once a year the High Priest was allowed behind the curtain into the presence of God. Here the sins of the people were covered with the blood of a sacrifice. The point is that the veil or curtain was between God and the people. When Jesus died the veil was no more. This was God’s invitation into the throne room. God has invited us to bring our lives before him. Paul says in Romans 12:1-2 that we are to present our lives as a living sacrifice before God. We are encouraged to go boldly to the throne of God. It is here in the presence of God that we find grace, forgiveness, courage, perseverance, power, encouragement, and direction for our lives.

What a blessing God has given to His children. There are many questions that come to my mind at this point. Do you take advantage of this opportunity that the King of Glory has offered? Do you come boldly? Do you share everything? Do you ask for only what God can do? Do you ask for more of the presence of God? Do you bring the names of the lost before God? Are you praying for the leaders of our country, because they were placed there by God? These are a few of the many questions that come to my mind when I think about the access that God has given. I want to challenge you to bold, fervently run into the presence of God and pour your heart out to him.



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Cumming, GA 30028



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