The purpose of a mirror is to provide a reflection and to help us see what others see. We all spend time in front of a mirror doing our hair, brushing our teeth, making sure our clothes do not have a stain, etc. God’s word is our spiritual mirror. As we read His word we should be impacted by His word. Hebrews 4:12 says that “it is sharper than a two-edge sword”. God’s word has the ability to cut to the heart of the matter. The Holy Spirit calls to remembrance the teachings of Jesus. As we have our internal dialogue about life, the Holy Spirit injects the Word of God. This becomes a mirror that we look at our life through. I have to be honest there are many times that I want to turn away from the mirror of God’s word. It is painful to have God point out our sin, our unwillingness to forgive, or our rebellion. The initial steps of this process of seeing ourselves through the word of God is painful. Jeremiah says, “the heart is deceitful above all” but our world says that we are pretty good people. What will I believe? What will I tell myself? The first step toward healing the brokenness in our lives is to acknowledge not only that we have a problem but the depths to which the problem goes. The only way we will see our problem and how sever the problem is, is to see ourselves in light of God.
So, when is the last time you sat with the word of God and allowed it to be a mirror, showing and highlighting areas that need to be addressed? What is so amazing to me is that when we allow God to shine His light into our lives, He immediately begins to bring healing. So yes, the process hurts but it also brings about healing and leaves us in a better place.