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Growing at Concord involves the five following items: Gathering or Worship, Connecting or Small Groups, Serving, Inviting, and Praying. Today we look at the importance and obstacles of inviting others. From the earliest chapters of the Gospels, we see followers of Jesus inviting others to come to meet Jesus. In the Gospel of John chapter 1 we find Jesus inviting people to follow Him and ultimately be disciples.

John 1:43-46

43 The following day Jesus wanted to go to Galilee, and the He found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me.” 44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote-Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”

Philip was doing what Jesus had done, inviting others to come and experience Jesus for themselves. This is the same method today. Invite people in your life to come experience Jesus. This invitation can be life-changing for them. The act of inviting can be life-changing for you as well. We learn to discern God’s direction, we learn to talk about Jesus confidently. We learn to answer questions. We learn to say I don’t know. All of these help us grow. We move beyond having to have all the answers and learn to be on the journey with people. We move beyond our anxiety in talking with others about Jesus.

In John 1:40 Andrew heard Jesus speak and went and found Peter. Verse 42 describes Andrew bringing Peter to Jesus. Here we see the concern for others. Let me pause and ask you, “who are you concerned for?” Who’s spiritual condition moves you? What are you willing to overcome to bring them to Jesus? Are you praying for them daily? Are you looking for opportunities to talk with them? Are you looking for opportunities to invite them?

When we begin to invite others, our heart is challenged. We are challenged to overcome questions and anxiety. We are challenged to pray earnestly. We are challenged to put other people before ourselves. We are challenged to step out in faith. In other words, inviting others to meet Jesus challenges us to grow.

Join us for the Journey here at Concord.

Pastor Scott


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