Concord is blessed with 185 years of history. This heritage is filled with faithful men and women who served God. Many of the names are written down in the history of Concord because of their leadership and courage to follow God. Many more names will never be known this side of heaven. Individuals, couples and families that sacrificed and served behind the scenes serving God in their church. These individuals gave sacrificially, were prayer warriors, faithful members and encouragers of Concord.
Today we are blessed with many people who have a long history at Concord. Some grew up as kids running, playing and even attending service and bible school here. We also have many new individuals and families that have joined here at Concord. All of these people make up the Family of Concord. Some of you will serve in public rolls and your name will be recorded for other generations to read about. The kids of today will tell stories about deacons, Sunday school teachers and seniors that loved on them while they were kids. Many of you will serve behind the scenes. Few will know that you served in the kitchen, that you were a great encourager to the pastor, Sunday school teacher or teenager that God placed before you. All of you serve an important role here in this church. Your smile, your hug, your laughter, your funny (or not so funny) joke, your prayers, your hand on the shoulder and words of counsel are needed and appreciated. Today we celebrate the history of Concord, both good times and bad. We also take note of what God is doing today, with a hopeful eye toward the future. This is our time to impact the history of Concord. More importantly this is our time to make an impact for the kingdom of God. I pray that you see your place, your role, your call. I pray that you fulfill the calling that God has placed on your life and that it will help Concord fulfill its role in this community. God bless each of you. Thank you for being a part of God’s family here at Concord.