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The events of recent days have caused churches everywhere to become innovative while staying true to the mission of Christ. Online services, Facebook live devotions, emails, drive-in movie style services, video conference Sunday school classes and lots of phone calls and text messages have become the means of ministry. Down through history the methods of sharing the gospel and ministering to God’s people have adapted to the time and circumstances of history.

Our time is no different. There are some basic principles that need to remain unchanged, but these principles have nothing to do with methodology. The first principle is that we have to grow in our understanding of Jesus. In Acts 2:42 new believers "continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine.” The new church was teaching the new believers who Jesus was and all that He had done. As we walk through this new season in life we have to continue to grow in our knowledge and faith in Jesus. Personal bible study, books and Sunday school through video conference are all means to grow in our knowledge of Jesus. Then practically we have to put our knowledge to work. Trusting that Jesus is going to see us through this time. I believe that through this time many people will seek to know Jesus as savior. I also think many believers will dig deeper into their faith as they reconcile the goodness of God with their current circumstances.

Fellowship was also important. When people followed Jesus in Acts 2, they often times lost everything, family, homes, jobs. The response of the church, the body of Christ, was to become their family. The church loved on these new believers, checked on them, walked with them in their faith and sat with them in their sorrow. One of the more difficult aspects of this season we are in, is to find ways to fellowship. Phone calls, text messages, video conferences and good old fashion cards and letters have substituted for a hello on Sunday morning or Wednesday night. We must be intentional about checking on the church family. I pray that through the different groups of the church everyone is checked on by someone. If you have not heard from someone in the church family, please reach out so we can make sure you are cared for.

I will take the time to say, download and login to the SimpleChurchCrm app. This gives you a directory of the church. You have the ability to upload a photo and to update your contact info. This would be so helpful to our family as we try to remain connected in our suggested/mandated isolation. If you need help please reach out to the church office at 770-887-9482 or

As always, if you are in need, whether physical or spiritual please reach out to the staff, deacons or church leaders so that we can help. We love you and look forward to seeing each of you.



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9:45 a.m. - Sunday School

11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship


6905 Concord Rd.
Cumming, GA 30028



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