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Finding Jesus in a time of Uncertainty

In the Bible people with needs always seem to end up in the presence of Jesus. Today as the shut down of our country starts to settle in there are many people who find themselves in need. Luke 8:40-56 introduces us to two such people. Jairus a ruler comes to Jesus begging him to come touch his daughter who is about to die. Jesus immediately begins to go to Jairus home. While on their way an unnamed woman with an issue comes up from behind believing that if she can just touch Jesus garment that she will be made well from an issue that has plagued her for years and cost her all of her life savings. Two individuals. One with a life threatening issue. One with a life altering issue. One a ruler, the other not even named. Both in need of Jesus.

While Jesus is on his way to Jairus daughter this woman comes and touches the hem of Jesus garment and she is healed. Jesus stops to have a conversation with her. I wonder how Jairus responded? His daughter was dying and Jesus was stopping to have a conversation with someone. Even though Jesus was headed to Jairus house to heal his daughter, he had time for the unnamed woman. She was not a bother to Jesus. I don’t know why she did not come into the presence of Jesus and ask for healing like Jairus had. It may have been that her issue of blood made her an outcast. What ever the reason Jesus had time for her. Maybe you don’t feel right boldly coming to Jesus asking for help. I want you to know he has time for you. It does not matter how long it has been, he has time for you. There is not since of hurry in Jesus conversation with the woman. This moment was life altering and he made sure she understood that. I wonder how many of us need that life altering moment in the presence of Jesus? His last words to her where, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” Faith and peace go together.

While all of this is taking place Jairus is still trying to get Jesus to his daughter so that he can lay hands on her and heal her. While Jesus paused with this unnamed woman, Jairus received word that his daughter had died. What heartache and devastation this must have caused. If Jesus had only not stopped. Jesus was now ready to work in Jairus’ families life. Jesus shows up at Jairus house and announces that not all is lost, that the girl is just a sleep. The mourners ridicule him. Jesus takes a small group into the room where the little girl is and calls for her to arise. Her spirit returns. They are astonished. Jesus is never late to our circumstances. As the creator of heaven and earth he is more than capable of handling our situation.

Jesus is available to the well known and the unknown. He is never in a hurry. He always has time for you. He handles life threatening situations as well as life altering circumstances. Jesus is never late. With all that we are dealing with in our world today. We need to stop and realize that our savior is here with us. He is walking day by day with us. He is capable of caring for us during this time. Pause today and allow the power and presence of your savior strengthen you for the journey ahead.

Praying for each of you today. May God richly bless you today.


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