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To Know

John 10:14 I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.

Humanity is created in the image of God. Let the awesomeness of that idea sink in for a minute. Our creator fashioned us after Himself. In many ways we are a chip off the old block. What does it mean to be formed in the image of God? Hair or eye color? Height or weight? I don’t think the image of God has anything to do with our physical attributes. The image of God is about having a soul. Part of that image is the ability to be known at a deep intimate level in our soul. God knows how He created us, the experiences that have shaped us, our fears, our defects, our victories, our hearts desires. God knows us better than we know ourselves. Part of what is amazing about this is not the fact that He has all this information about us, but that He knows us in this deep intimate way and He still loves us. This is why we say that God loves us not because of who we are and what we have done but because of who He is. Romans 5:8, God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus died because of His love for us, not because of how lovable we are.

To be known by God is awesome. I am amazed at how hands-on God is in my life. His love and intimacy do not stop here. God also opens Himself up to us that we may know Him. We must acknowledge that we don’t always understand everything about God. I don’t always understand His ways. I recognize a pattern though, in how God deals with me. When God begins to reveal Himself to me, I quickly become overwhelmed. I understand when God says to Isaiah, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” (Isaiah 55:8). God is different than we are. His holiness and glory cause me to worship. When I realize that I am fully known by God and that He graciously opens Himself up to me so that I may know Him, I am moved to worship and praise Him. In this moment I see how great God is and I fall in His presence knowing I do not deserve the opportunity. This week seek to be known by God, even the areas you hide from everyone else. Also, seek to know Him. When we do this, we will break forth in worship.

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