We Are Blessed
I find it difficult to believe that we are approaching the end of 2018. Where has all the time gone? During this time of year I have a natural desire to stop and be thankful. In the days and weeks ahead, we will gather with families and friends to share meals, fellowships and presents. These are all ways that we choose to be thankful. As we think about being thankful, we should naturally turn toward our Heavenly Father. Our lives are unbelievably different because we have been saved by His Son Jesus Christ. Often times we describe being blessed because of the ‘things’ we have been given. The reality is that if we did not have any physical or monetary ‘things’ we would still be blessed to know Jesus. Our culture tends to focus on the physical now. The Bible teaches though, that our time here on earth is just a vapor. Even if we live to be 100, our time here is short. The truth is, God is much less concerned about the physical aspect of our lives than He is the spiritual. Sometimes God allows us to suffer to help us grow in our faith, sometimes we suffer because we are being a witness in our world and still there are other times that we suffer and we don’t honestly know why, but we just have to trust that God knows. We are blessed because God wants us to know Him. We are blessed because God has provided a way to know Him through His Son Jesus. We are blessed because God does not abandon us but is more faithful than a brother. We are blessed because God knows right where we are. We are blessed because Jesus said he was going to prepare a place that where He is, we will be also. We
are truly blessed today.