Galatians 6:9-10
The “new normal” for our lives is starting to settle in. For some, cabin fear is setting in. For others fear has become the norm. For...
Be Still and Know
In the uncertainty today it is easy to allow our minds to bounce from thought to though, tv station to tv station, worry to worry. Be...
Live in the moment of the day
There is much news circulating today and most of it is focused on the Corona Virus. Topics range from numbers infected to the economic...
The church is alive and well. The church has never been about a gathering place, but the people of God. In recent days I have heard so...
Finding Jesus in a time of Uncertainty
In the Bible people with needs always seem to end up in the presence of Jesus. Today as the shut down of our country starts to settle in...
Live Stream
Church, There is much fear, anxiety and uncertainty in our culture. We have been cast into uncharted waters and we are making decisions...
Be the Church Act 2 Part 2
We are not currently able to do all that the new church did. It would not be wise to "break bread" with one another. I do see an...
Be the Church Acts 2
The events of recent days have caused churches everywhere to become innovative while staying true to the mission of Christ. Online...

How Should the Christian Respond?
The reality of this life altering time has begun to settle in and people are developing new rhythms in life. The question begins to...

Fear and Faith
There is a lot of fear in our world right now. The Corona virus has had a massive global impact. Stores are out of hand sanitizer,...